David Koenig
My wife (Cathy Martin) already did the marriage stuff, but I'm going to include a picture from our wedding and a recent picture of myself. Well, I've been living and working in the Chicago area since graduating from Purdue. I worked as an engineer at Motorola for 4 years before moving over to a job in marketing 2 years ago. Bought a house, have a cute dog, all that stuff. Our parents still live in Carmel, so we get back there a few times a year. We can't believe how the place has changed. Our lives have really been busy the past few years, but we're hoping to slow down a bit now and try to have kids in the next couple of years. Sorry we can't make it to the reunion, the date just didn't work out. Thank you to the organizers for setting up the reunion. Maybe we'll see you at the 20th.
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